The Hearst Family : Originating from Greenwood, SC
George and Melissa Lifford Hearst
George and Melissa's Children
George & Melissa's Children Cont'd.
An Unwarranted Assassination
1910 United States Census
About Me
Hearst Music Ministries
The Legacy of Music
2003 Reunion Photo Album
Reunion Poem
Some of My Favorite Links
Christmas 2004 on Farson Street
Guest Book


Special thanks to cousins George and Rev. Nawanna Miller of Atlanta, GA for your time, energy, enthusiasm, and the "then" photos donated to this genealogical project. 

Special thanks to my cousin Tracie Mershon Gatewood of Philadelphia, PA and my "Sistah!" Beverly Rhodes of Chischester, PA for donating "then" photos to the Hearst genealogy archives.

Special thanks also to Dr. Ione D. Vargus, Founder/Chair of The Family Reuion Institute at Temple University in Philadelphia, for your time, resources, enthusiasm for this project, and certainly your inspiration to carry it through!

Most of all, thank you Rev. John C. Hearst, Genelle Hearst Sligh Henderson, and Bessie Lee Hearst Calhoun for welcoming the West Philly branch of the Hearst Family tree with open arms.  We are forever grateful.

Thank you family and friends for visiting.  Certainly hope that you enjoyed your visit.  Please take a moment to visit the GUEST BOOK and drop me a line or two.  It will be good to hear from you.  Peace to you!