The Hearst Family : Originating from Greenwood, SC
An Unwarranted Assassination
George and Melissa Lifford Hearst
George and Melissa's Children
George & Melissa's Children Cont'd.
An Unwarranted Assassination
1910 United States Census
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The Legacy of Music
2003 Reunion Photo Album
Reunion Poem
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Christmas 2004 on Farson Street
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Policeman Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter

The death of Great Grandpop James Hearst

My cousin Tracie Mershon Gatewood, granddaughter of Mildred Hearst Washington (1906-1989), who was my Great Aunt, found this undated article among Aunt Mildred's personal belongings.  It details the killing of her father by a policeman.  This killing probably occured in the mid to late 1920s.  Research revealed that the 1929 City Directories of the U.S. for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania listed Grandpop's wife Eva as a widow living at 646 N. 44th.  The listing also indicates that George Thomas was a resident of the home.  Further research at the Free Library of Philadelphia to determine the date and source of this article is "on the drawing board."  (Note: The reporter mispelled the name Hearst.  The mispelling of our name is still a common occurrence.)

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